p2-chapter-2-The Way of Emacs

The Way of Emacs


“The purpose of a windowing system is to put some amusing fluff
around your one almighty emacs window.”– Mark, gnu.emacs.help.


If you imagine the span of the modern computing era be-
ginninginth 1960s,then Emacs has been there longer than
just about everything else. It was first written by Richard
Stallman as a set of macros on top of another editor, called
TECO, back in 1976.1 TECO is now mostly remembered for be-
ing even more obtuse and hard to understand than Emacs
and DOS-era WordPerfect combined. Since then, there have
been many competing implementations of Emacs but today
you’re only likely to encounter XEmacs and GNU Emacs.

更加的古老。Richard Stallman撰写了Emacs的第一版,这是另一个顶级
你现在只要世道XEmacs和GNU Emacs就行.

This book will only concern iteself with GNU Emacs. Once upon a time
XEmacs was the more advanced and feature rich editor, but this is no
longer the case: from Emacs 22 onwards GNU Emacs is the best Emacs
out there.The history of XEmacs and GNU Emacs is an interesting one.
It was one of the first major forks2 in a free software project and
both XEmacs and GNU Emacs are developed in parallel to this day.

这本书只涉及GNU Emacs.曾经在一段时间上,XEmacs层是最高级和特性丰富的编辑器,
但是这已经过去了,从Emacs 22 开始GNU Emacs就是最好的Emacs了.XEmacs和GNU Emacs

To almost everyone, the word Emacs refers specifically
to GNU Emacs. I will only spell out the full
name when I am distinguishing between different
implementations. When I mention Emacs, I
always talk about GNU Emacs.

对大多数人来说,Emacs这个词就是指GNU Emacs. 在我要区分两个不同的Emacs实现时,
我会完整的拼出这个名字.但当我提到Emacs,我一直是在说GNU Emacs.

Because of Emacs’s age there are a number of… oddities.
Weird choices of terminology and historical anachronisms
persist because in most cases Emacs was ahead of the editor-
IDE curve for many decades and thus had to invent its own
terminology for things. There are talks of replacing Emacs’s
own vernacular with words familiar to everyone, but that
is still a long way off.


Despite the lack of marketing, a small core of Emacs developers,
the anachronisms and terminology that predqates the
modern Personal Computing-era, there are many people
out there who just love using Emacs. When Sublime Text
showed off its mini-map feature (a miniature display of the
source code) someone immediately coded up a minimap
package doing the same thing in Emacs. In fact, it is this
extensibility that attracts some to – and repels others from
– Emacs.


This chapter will talk about the Way of Emacs: the terminology
and what Emacs means to a lot of people, and why understanding
where Emacs comes from will make it easier to
adopt it.

这一章将讨论Way of Emacs这个标题: